Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
LEARN MORESouth Carson Street
The South Carson Complete Streets Project broke ground on February 20, 2020 and completed the roadway before Nevada Day 2020. The landscaping will continue into the spring of 2021.
The time – lapse roundabout video covers June 15, 2020 through October 30, 2020.
Project Frequently Asked Questions
South Carson Complete Streets Project
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the project improvements?
The South Carson Complete Streets Project will provide continuous roadway, bicycle, pedestrian, safety, and beautification improvements through Carson City. The project limits are from the intersection of South Carson Street and 5th Street south to approximately the intersection of South Carson Street and Appion Way. Work will generally take place between the existing curb lines. The project includes reduced travel lanes, dedicated bicycle facilities, a shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists, upgraded utilities, landscape and aesthetic improvements, and enhanced business access along South Carson Street.
The corridor is divided into three areas with three different cross sections. These cross sections were developed through a series of public and stakeholder meetings where input was collected. The conceptual designs were approved by the Regional Transportation Commission, including reduction in the number of lanes and construction of a shared use path. Conceptual designs can be viewed here:
2. Will there be any improvements to the frontage road adjacent to South Carson Street?
For the most part, the frontage road will operate similar to how it functions today. The current design includes upgrades to some of the pedestrian ramps along the frontage road in order to comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as some slight modifications to some of the sidewalk areas and driveway aprons. However, significant utility and roadway surfacing improvements along the frontage road are outside the scope of this project.
3. What are the traffic impacts from the reduction in the number of lanes?
The conceptual design was based on an expected 40% reduction in traffic on South Carson Street after the opening of Phase 2B of I-580 (Fairview to US 50) in the summer of 2017. Traffic
modeling has been confirmed by subsequent traffic count data collected after the opening of the freeway, which indicates the reduction in annual average daily traffic is slightly greater than 40% on South Carson Street (43,000 vehicles per day down to 25,000 vehicles per day), as highlighted in the figure below of traffic volume data collected along South Carson Street near Koontz Lane.
The section of the South Carson Street corridor north of Stewart Street has also experienced significant reductions in traffic volumes as a result of
the Carson City Freeway Bypass, resulting in an approximately 33% reduction (30,000 vehicles per day down to 20,000 vehicles per day) following the opening of Phase 2A of I-580 (William to Fairview) in 2009 and an additional 30% reduction (17,500 vehicles per day down to 12,500 vehicles per day) following the opening of Phase 2B of I-580 (Fairview to US 50) in 2017. These reductions are highlighted in the figure below of traffic volume data collected along South Carson Street near 8th Street.
For a more detailed overview of the 2017 Annual Average Traffic Counts collected by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and traffic counts related to the upcoming South Carson Street Complete Streets Project, please review the following documentation presented at the October 13, 2018 Carson City Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) meeting : NDOT Annual Traffic Report.
Traffic analyses performed along the corridor have all indicated that a redesigned South Carson Street would function well at today’s traffic volumes and in future conditions.
At the RTC meeting on June 12, 2019, City staff provided an informational presentation and discussion on traffic impacts and expectations resulting from the South Carson Street Complete Streets Project. Staff presented detailed traffic count information and findings from an independent Traffic Evaluation prepared for Carson City that assessed anticipated traffic impacts that may result from the South Carson Street Complete Streets Project. Design improvements resulting from the report were also presented. Below is the complete RTC staff report, as well as is the traffic evaluation report.
4. There is already significant congestion near the South Carson Street and I-580 interchange during the weekday peak PM hour (5 PM to 6 PM). Will this project increase congestion at the interchange?
The City controls the South Carson Street right-of-way north of Appion Way and NDOT controls right-of-way south of Appion Way, including the US 50/I-580 interchange. The South Carson Complete Streets Project improvements are proposed within Carson City controlled right-of-way, therefore will not result in any improvements or lane re-configurations south of Appion Way in NDOT right-of-way. Full lane reductions will not occur until north of Snyder Avenue, approximately 1,000 feet north of the interchange. Based on past traffic analyses and the current design, the City does not anticipate any adverse impacts to traffic at the I-580/US 50 interchange as a result of the South Carson Complete Streets Project. However, the City is currently working with NDOT on optimizing signal timing through the entire corridor to help move traffic more efficiently in the current condition, as well as after the construction of the project.
5. Will the final design include roundabouts?
Yes. There will be a new roundabout at S. Carson Street and S. Stewart Street. Roundabouts are a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) proven safety countermeasure with marked safety benefits. Design engineers believe that a roundabout at Stewart Street will improve safety and traffic operations and help delineate the project from a faster, signalized corridor south of Stewart Street to a calmer, gateway to downtown north of Stewart Street. The roundabout will also serve as an inviting downtown gateway connecting to Nevada’s state capital and provide an ideal location to implement landscaping, art and signage to improve aesthetics along the corridor. Lastly, a roundabout at Stewart Street will provide an opportunity for future connectivity to Curry Street, which is an important part of the City’s long term transportation plan to provide more connection points along the South Carson Street corridor with South Curry Street.
6. What are the benefits of roundabouts?
Roundabouts can provide lasting benefits and value in many ways. They are often safer, more efficient, less costly and more aesthetically appealing than conventional intersection designs. Additionally, roundabouts complement other transportation objectives – including Complete Streets and multimodal networks – without compromising the ability to keep all users (pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles) moving efficiently through the corridor. From a safety perspective, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Safety identified roundabouts as a proven safety countermeasure because of their ability to substantially reduce the types of crashes that result in injury or loss of life and improve safety for all users, including pedestrians and bicycles. Most significantly, the FHWA Office of Safety reports that roundabouts REDUCE the types of crashes where people are seriously hurt or killed by approximately 80% when compared to conventional stop-controlled and signalized intersections. The design consultant engineer for the South Carson Complete Streets Project determined, using methodology from FHWA to quantify savings realized from safety enhancements, that the Stewart Street Roundabout will reduce crashes by 50%, resulting in an overall societal savings of nearly $3 million over a 20-year period. Beyond safety improvements, roundabouts are essentially maintenance free from an operational standpoint, resulting in much less operations and maintenance costs over their lifetime than traditional signalized intersections.
Like any new or unfamiliar feature, it is essential that people understand how roundabouts work. Although well designed signage and striping is critical to providing a safe and easily navigable roundabout, the City plans to provide extra outreach and education over the next year on how to properly use a roundabout for all users and on all roundabout types.
7. What are the proposed speed limits?
The design team is still evaluating speed limits through the corridor. However, the currently proposed speed limits are as follows:
• Remain 45+ mph south of Clearview Avenue
• Reduce to 35 mph between Clearview Avenue and Stewart Street
• Reduce to 25 mph north of Stewart Street
8. Will there be additional pedestrian crossings along South Carson Street included with the project?
Yes, the current design includes two illuminated pedestrian crossings along the corridor in addition to perpetuating the existing crossings along the project limits. These crossings will likely be located at mid-block locations that allow for a refuge island in the center left turn lane area for pedestrians where they can pause and activate the rapid flashing beacon for the second half of the crossing. The crossing locations are subject to change as the design progresses, but the plan is to provide one additional pedestrian crossing between Sonoma Street and Koontz Lane and one between Rhodes Street and Colorado Street. These locations were chosen based on engineering analysis and feedback gathered from the public at the public meeting held on December 11, 2018.
9. How will this project benefit cyclists and pedestrians?
The primary purpose of this project is to provide a Complete Street. What are Complete Streets? Complete Streets are streets for everyone. They are designed and operated to enable safe access and comfortable accommodation for all users of all ages and abilities; including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists of all types. As an added benefit, Complete Streets support economic development and enhance the visual experience for users. In addition to accommodating motorists on the roadway, Complete Streets focuses on the needs of travelers outside that group, including younger or older people, those with disabilities, and those who travel by transit, bicycle, or on foot, and who have oftentimes been overlooked in the transportation planning process. Complete Streets is about safety and efficiency as well. Complete Streets provides a better quality of life, often through measurable environmental benefits, and can spur economic development.
Specifically, this project will include a Class I bikeway, also known as a multi-use paths or shared-use path. Class I facilities are one of the safest bicycle facilities possible for bicyclists and pedestrians. The multi-use path for the South Carson Complete Streets Project is separated from the roadway by a landscaping buffer, thus providing additional protection for pedestrians and cyclists. The project multi-use path will connect with the current NDOT multi-use path located south of Appion Way to provide connectivity to the broader system. Additionally, this project will provide bike lanes adjacent to the roadway for much of the project length. At the conclusion of this project, South Carson Street, combined with parallel bicycle facilities along Center Drive/Silver Sage Drive/Roop Street, will provide excellent pedestrian and cyclist opportunities for many different types of users and levels of experience.
10. When will construction begin and end?
The project team has started the engineering design and construction is anticipated to begin near the end of 2019. Project completion is estimated in 2021. Carson City is working with Sierra Nevada Construction (SNC) for preconstruction services including design review, cost estimating, stakeholder and public involvement and scheduling.
11. What are the traffic impacts during construction?
• Utility installations will be the first phase of construction and may include sidewalk closures, lane closures and minor detours.
• Roadway improvements will require lane closures and minor detours. The project team anticipates constructing one side of the roadway at a time. One travel lane in each direction will be maintained to the maximum extent possible.
12. How will the construction be phased to avoid impacts to businesses and special events?
The project team, including the contractor, will begin to plan out construction phasing and traffic control after the 60% design milestone. The project team met with many of the businesses during October 2018 to discuss concerns in regards to traffic control and planned special events. Much of the feedback gathered will be incorporated into the construction plan as the project moves forward with the goal of minimizing impacts to businesses as much as possible during construction.
13. What is the project cost and how is it being funded?
The total project construction cost is estimated to be approximately $19 million. The project will be funded from a number of sources, including State funds, utility funds, redevelopment funds, grants, sales tax money, as well as $7.6 million from the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant. The highly, competitive TIGER grant was awarded to Carson City in the spring of 2018 by the United States Department of Transportation, which described the project as an important investment in Carson City’s infrastructure with a focus to improve pedestrian safety and mobility in the area, and enhance commercial and business access.
14. What utility improvements and impacts are expected?
Utilities along the project corridor will be upgraded during construction. The project team is working closely with all utilities and partner agencies including, NV Energy, AT&T, Charter, Verizon, Southwest Gas, and NDOT. Additionally, critical storm drain, sewer and water infrastructure upgrades will be performed as part of this project. Construction operations will be combined whenever possible to minimize traffic impacts and reduce road closures. In the event of an outage or service disruption, customers will receive a written notice at least 72 hours in advance and personal contact/notification at least 48 hours prior to service disruption.
15. Will the public have any other opportunities to provide input on the design?
Yes. Although the conceptual design and typical street cross sections have been approved by the Regional Transportation Commission, the City will be seeking public input during the design process for elements including sidewalk paving treatments, landscaping, furnishings, public art, street lighting and other specific design elements. City staff will work with individual property owners and businesses to identify specific needs. The project team will also host community meetings throughout the design process for the public to view project plans and information. The meeting times and locations will be advertised through, e-notifications and text notices.
16. How can I support businesses within the project corridor during construction?
Carson City and the project team encourage the community to support all businesses during construction. The Contractor, Sierra Nevada Construction (SNC), has volunteered to provide an incentive program to help bolster support by issuing weekly SNC-funded gift cards to local businesses. Sign up to receive project updates at:
Registration automatically results in an opportunity to receive a $25 gift card, courtesy of SNC, to a participating business of your choice.
One gift card will be distributed every week during construction.
17. How can I get involved and stay informed?
Tom Grundy, PE
Project Manager
Dan Stucky
City Engineer
You can sign up for e-notifications by visiting or enroll in text notifications by texting Carson Proud at 31996. Notifications will include project updates, construction news, and events. Follow Carson Proud on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. A number of stakeholder and other public meetings will be announced through, e-notifications and text notices.
18. Who can I contact for more information?
Please contact Tom Grundy, Project Manager at 775.283.7081. You can also go online to: To send an email to project team, use
South Carson Street Neighborhood Improvement District
Information on maintenance standards and NID assessments can be found at:
The Carson City Board of Supervisors enacted a one-eighth-percent sales tax in 2014 to help fund improvements to the City’s primary commercial corridors, including the South Carson Street project. The approved Plan of Expenditure for the sales tax included a provision that an assessment district would be formed as part of each corridor project to contribute funding annually to the city to provide for routine maintenance required for the corridors such as cleaning sidewalks, maintaining landscaping, servicing trash receptacles, etc. Such a district was formed for the maintenance of the Downtown Carson and Curry Streetscape Projects constructed in 2016 and 2018. The formation of a NID can provide the following benefits:
• Increase in property values
• Attract new businesses and visitors to the corridor
• Sustainable and dedicated funding to ensure quality maintenance and preservation of infrastructure and roadway beatification improvements
All the planned street corridor projects are designed to improve each corridor segment by: (1) enhancing business access; (2) increasing safety through lighting and roadway improvements; (3) improving pedestrian access and connectivity; (4) adding bike lanes; and (5) enhancing aesthetics through parkway landscaping and streetscape improvements. All such improvements have been proposed in an effort to make the corridors more inviting to the public and thereby increase the attractiveness of the local businesses located along the corridors, which will increase the City’s economic vitality.
The South Carson Complete Streets Project is designed with the intent to meet all the strategic objectives listed above. The project’s purpose is to convert the large South Carson Street corridor into more productive uses that facilitate comfortable, convenient, and safe travel for pedestrians and cyclists; improve access to abutting businesses; spur private investment in this important and vibrant commercial corridor; increase driver safety; as well as create a more aesthetically pleasing and inviting gateway into our City. The overall project will include complete streets improvements from Fifth Street to the Carson City I-580 Freeway terminus (Appion Way), as well as significant upgrades and expansion to critical utility infrastructure along the corridor.
About South Carson Street Complete Streets Project
The August 2017 opening of the I-580 freeway extension reduced traffic volumes along the South Carson Street corridor by over 40 percent, allowing for the transformation of the corridor from that of a state-owned major arterial serving through-traffic into a calmer, City-owned multi-modal street. The South Carson Complete Street project plans to convert this large corridor into more productive uses that facilitate comfortable, convenient, and safe travel for pedestrians and cyclists; improve access to abutting businesses; spur private investment in this important and vibrant commercial corridor; increase driver safety; and prepare Carson City for future Smart City advancements.
The project includes pedestrian safety measures, ADA-compliant sidewalks and curb ramps, narrowed travel lanes, a multi-use path with landscaping buffer, dedicated bicycle facilities, critical improvements to stormwater infrastructure, improved business access, public art, lighting fixtures, new signals, and fiber optic communications. The project limits extend approximately 2.5-miles along South Carson Street from Fifth Street to near the intersection of Appion Way. Design for the South Carson Street Complete Streets Project has started. The project is utilizing the Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMAR) project delivery method. Sierra Nevada Construction (SNC) was recently selected as the CMAR and will join the City-led design team to advance the design over the next year. Public outreach and informational updates are planned throughout the duration of the project. Construction is anticipated to start by the end of 2019.
The Carson City Gateway will usher residents and visitors alike into the newly redeveloped downtown Carson City. Using 100 percent local funds, the City recently completed a $9.95 million complete streets investment to elevate its downtown. Before the project, businesses were closing their doors, Capitol employees lacked a safe and enjoyable place to grab lunch, and visitors rarely considered traveling to Carson City for a family afternoon. Now, downtown Carson City is the place to be! Since the announcement of the City’s planned investment, developers have begun to invest in properties along Carson Street, new restaurants and shops have opened, and residents enjoy the pedestrian-oriented plazas and outdoor areas.
Since the project’s inception Carson City has continued to build strong working relationships with its partners, NDOT and CAMPO, and remains engaged in proactive project outreach efforts that maintain robust community support from adjacent residents and business owners, the regional pedestrian and bicycle advocacy organization, and the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division. While the development and delivery of Complete Streets projects in larger urbanized areas is often complicated by the diffusion of responsibility among different organizations that operate with competing objectives, the small size of this urbanized area has led to an organizational structure that is well-suited to swiftly deliver such multi-modal investments. As a department housed within Carson City, the Carson City Public Works (PW) Department will oversee the design and delivery of this project.
Project Meetings and Updates
The community is invited to celebrate the expansion of the Carson Street improvements at the South Carson Complete Streets Project groundbreaking ceremony. The event is scheduled for Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 10 a.m., at the former armory site located at 2361 South Carson Street, and will feature construction equipment for children of all ages to explore and climb on. Speakers will include Mayor Bob Crowell and City Engineer Dan Stucky.
“When we were assured that the I580 bypass would indeed be completed the City embarked upon projects designed to revitalize our urban core area (Downtown) as well as make the entrances to our City more appealing and inviting for all forms of travel,” said Mayor Bob Crowell. “The South Carson Street project is designed to do just that as well as continue the Downtown complete street design from 5th Street. It is part of the City’s effort to ensure the sustainability of our community over time.”
“This project will build upon Carson City’s recent downtown revitalization by linking downtown and the highly productive commercial corridor along South Carson Street via a cohesive and continuous complete streets design,” said Dan Stucky, City Engineer.
The South Carson Complete Streets Project is part of a series of roadway corridor improvement projects planned by the City, intended to accommodate sustainable economic growth and enhance the quality of life in Carson City by providing safer travel opportunities for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, as well as creating a more aesthetically pleasing and inviting gateway into Nevada’s State Capital. The overall project will include complete streets improvements from Fifth Street to 1,400 feet north of the Carson City I-580 Freeway terminus (Appion Way), as well as significant upgrades and expansion to critical utility infrastructure along the corridor.
Emma Crossman, Project Manager with Sierra Nevada Construction said, “We are excited to be a part of the corridor enhancements and look forward to working with the community and providing employment opportunities locally throughout the duration of the construction process.”
The August 2017 opening of the I-580 freeway extension reduced traffic volumes along the South Carson Street corridor by over 40 percent, allowing for the transformation of the corridor from that of a state-owned highway serving through-traffic into a calmer, City-owned multi-modal street. Since the first public planning meeting held on September 22, 2016, the City has presented numerous opportunities for stakeholder participation. In addition to hosting informational public meetings throughout the project planning and design stage, the City also sought approval and direction throughout the design process from the Regional Transportation Commission, Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, Historic Resources Commission, and the Board of Supervisors.
As for funding, the project construction is nearly 70% funded by non-local funding sources. On March 29, 2018 Carson City was awarded the $7.57 million TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) Grant by the US Department of Transportation, which described the project as “an important investment in Carson City’s infrastructure with a focus to improve pedestrian safety and mobility in the area, and enhance commercial and business access.” Other non-local funding sources include nearly $6.35 million transferred from the State to the City as part of the relinquishment of the South Carson Street right-of-way and specifically allocated to fund the South Carson Complete Streets Project.
Carson City Public Works and the project contractor, Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc., met with community members on January 30, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center to discuss the South Carson Complete Street Project construction schedule and details.
The meeting was live on the city website,, and the city Facebook page: Carson City Nevada Government. The meeting is available on YouTube for review.
The South Carson Complete Streets Project design is complete, Carson City Public Works and the project contractor, Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc., will be hosting a pre-construction meeting to present the anticipated construction schedule and the completed project design. The meeting will be held on Thursday, January 30, 2020, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Carson City Community Center, in the Sierra Room, located at 851 E. William St., Carson City.
The Nevada Department of Transportation recently transferred the commercial corridor to the City, giving the City the opportunity to transform the corridor to provide safer travel opportunities for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists; improve access to abutting businesses; and prepare Carson City for Smart City advancements. The approximate project limits are from the intersection of South Carson Street and 5th Street, south to the intersection of South Carson Street and Appion Way. The project includes pedestrian safety measures, ADA-compliant sidewalks and curb ramps, narrowed travel lanes, a buffered multi-use path, dedicated bicycle facilities, a roundabout, critical improvements to stormwater infrastructure, improved business access, street lighting, enhanced signals, upgrades to the water and sewer systems, and fiber optic communications improvements that will complete the City’s core communications ring. Construction is anticipated to start late February of this year.
The meeting will include a presentation on the South Carson Street design, project schedule, and discuss various communication tools for the public to stay connected during the construction process. It is the goal of the Project team to keep citizens informed, engaged and involved throughout the construction process. To receive e-notifications visit and click the subscribe button or to receive text notifications simply text “Carson Proud” to 31996.
Individuals in need of special accommodations are asked to contact staff a minimum of two business days in advance so appropriate arrangements can be made. Please contact Tom Grundy, Project Manager at 775-283-7081 or
12/13/19 Update: The project design is complete! The project team is pleased to announce the completion of the project design after nearly a year of design progression since the initial public kick-off meeting on December 11, 2018. During the design phase, the project team has conducted over 20 public meetings to gather useful feedback on various project features.
Over the next 2 months, the project will enter the project construction bidding stage, with heavy construction commencing in February 2020. In January 2020, the project team will hold another public meeting to discuss the construction process, schedule, and access for the public and businesses along the corridor during construction (more details to come on this in early January).
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) Meeting- Resolution on 90% Design Comments Informational Presentation
At the August 14, 2019 meeting, the RTC board requested that staff provide an informational update after comments were received on the 90% design from RTC, the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, and the Board of Supervisors. At the September 11th, 2019 RTC meeting, staff provided a summary of comments alongside whether or not each can be incorporated into the final design for the project. The video of the meeting can be viewed here (agenda item 6-A starts at the 2:45 mark):
Board of Supervisors (BOS) Meeting- 90% Design Update
City staff provided the Board of Supervisors with an update of the 90% design at the August 15, 2019 board meeting. The presentation included an update on the project design, responses to the 60% review comments, and review of the CarsonProud website updates (including the roundabout educational video). The video of the meeting can be viewed here (agenda item 17.D starts at the 2:35:45 mark):
The project design was approved unanimously by the Board (5-0), as they directed staff to advance the project to final design.
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) Meeting- 90% Design Update
On August 14th, 2019 the design team presented the 90% design to the RTC. The presentation included an update on the project design progression, responses to the 60% RTC review comments, review of the CarsonProud website updates (including the roundabout educational video), and a discussion on construction traffic control. The video of the meeting can be viewed here (agenda item 6-C starts at the 23:05 mark):
The project design was approved unanimously by the Commission, as they recommended the acceptance of the 90% design to the Board of Supervisors.
Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee (RACC) Meeting- 90% Design Update
City staff provided the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee with an update of the 90% design at the August 5, 2019 meeting. The presentation included an update on the project design and review of the CarsonProud website updates (including the roundabout educational video). The video of the meeting can be viewed here (agenda item 4.A starts at the 2:15 mark):
The 90% design plans were completed for review last week. This is a major milestone for the project team and one more step toward the start of the construction stage scheduled to begin the end of the year.
Over the next two months, the project team will continue with the final refinement of the project’s design, as well as start to shift the focus to the planning and phasing of the project construction. Staff will present the 90% design at the August 5th Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee meeting with subsequent presentations at the Regional Transportation Commission meeting on August 14th and the Board of Supervisors meeting on August 15th. Additionally, the project team plans to hold another public meeting in November or December to discuss the construction process and schedule for the public and businesses along the corridor (more details to come this fall).
The Project FAQs has been updated to help answer some common questions that were asked during the 60% design update meetings as well as the public workshop held in April 2019.
Through a coordinated effort, City staff have been able to place the most current available information relating to the South Carson Complete Streets Project into a centralized source known as Carson Proud. Beyond facilitating information flow and addressing inquiries, the project team have been moving forward with the project design through public participation, stakeholder meetings and televised presentations on the government station. Gathering feedback has been integral part of the design process.
Recent questions include a variation of:
Why is the City using funds for the project instead of street repair? During public comment at the April 18, 2019 meeting of the Board of Supervisors this question was presented and here is the Mayor’s response
Additional concerns were in relation to the installation of a multi-lane roundabout, as no such roundabout currently exist in Carson City and many stressed the importance of a multi-lane roundabout instructional video.
All the feedback on the project is highly appreciated. Please provide feedback or questions at or contact the project manager, Tom Grundy, at or (775) 283-7081.
Here's the current roundabout design: 60% Roundabout Demo and Improvements Exhibit
RTC Meeting- South Carson Street Traffic Impacts and Expectations Informational Presentation
At the Regional Transportation Commission meeting on June 12th, City staff provided an informational presentation and discussion on traffic impacts and expectations resulting from the South Carson Street Complete Streets Project. Staff presented detailed traffic count information and findings from an independent Traffic Evaluation prepared for Carson City that assessed anticipated traffic impacts that may result from the South Carson Street Complete Streets Project. Design improvements resulting from the report were also presented. The video of the meeting can be viewed here:
South Carson Complete Streets Project Traffic Study Presentation
BOS Meeting- 60% Design Update
City staff provided the Board of Supervisors with an update of the 60% design at the May 16, 2019 board meeting. The presentation included an update on the project design and a discussion on public outreach and feedback received from the community. The video of the meeting can be viewed here:
The project design was approved unanimously by the Board (5-0), as they directed staff to advance the design to the 90% level.
BOS Meeting- 60% Design Update
City staff provided the Board of Supervisors with an update of the 60% design at the May 16, 2019 board meeting. The presentation included an update on the project design and a discussion on public outreach and feedback received from the community. The video of the meeting can be viewed here:
The project design was approved unanimously by the Board (5-0), as they directed staff to advance the design to the 90% level.
April 12 Public Workshop
A public workshop was held at the Adams Hub studio on April 12th. This was an opportunity for the general public to review the 60% illustrative plans and meet with the project design team in an informal setting to ask specific questions about the project. April 12 Public Workshop Conceptual Maps.
4/5/19 Update: In February the design plans for the South Carson Complete Streets Project reached 60% completion. Current design elements include safe accommodations for travel, one of which is a roundabout at the intersection of Stewart Street and South Carson Street. The design is a multi-lane roundabout with a detached pathway for pedestrians and cyclists. Cyclists may also choose to occupy a lane through the roundabout. The center island will include landscaping and will eventually include a public art piece, adding to the gateway appeal. The roundabout installment will reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, minimize long-term maintenance and operation costs, and improve traffic flow, which are motivating factors for its design.
The 60% roundabout design along with surrounding design elements will be available for review at a Public Workshop, on April 12, 2019, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at The Studio @ Adams Hub, 177 W Proctor St. This meeting will provide the opportunity for business owners and residents to explore in detail the potential plans and provide input to the project team.
60% Illustrative Plans
RTC Meeting- 60% Design Update
On March 13th, the design team presented the 60% design to the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC). The presentation included an update on the project design progression, responses to the 30% RTC review comments, and a discussion on public outreach and feedback received from the community since the 30% design update. The video of the meeting can be viewed here:
The project design was approved unanimously by the Commission, as they recommended the acceptance of the 60% design to the Board of Supervisors.
60% Illustrative Plans
RTC Meeting- 60% Design Update
On March 13th, the design team presented the 60% design to the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC). The presentation included an update on the project design progression, responses to the 30% RTC review comments, and a discussion on public outreach and feedback received from the community since the 30% design update. The video of the meeting can be viewed here:
The project design was approved unanimously by the Commission, as they recommended the acceptance of the 60% design to the Board of Supervisors.
At the January 10, 2019 Historic Resources Commission (HRC) meeting, City staff and the HRC discussed any impacts that the project may have on historical and/or cultural resources. The HRC supported the project and did not anticipate any major impacts to these valuable resources. Staff has hired a consultant to further investigate and complete the appropriate environmental and historical/cultural studies.
The video of the meeting can be viewed here (agenda item E-1 starts at the 3:50 mark):
City staff provided the Board of Supervisors with an update of the 30% design at the December 20, 2018 board meeting. The presentation included an overview of the project design, viewing of project flyover video, discussion on public outreach and feedback received from the community, and finished with a review of project budget and schedule.
The project design was approved unanimously by the Board (5-0), as they directed staff to advance the design to the 60% level.
On November 14, the design team presented the 30% design to the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC). The presentation included an overview of the project history, project features, design plans, public outreach efforts, project funding and schedule moving forward, and available communication tools for the public to stay connected.
RTC-South Carson Complete Streets Project Presentation PowerPoint
If we missed you on our visits or if you’re an interested resident hoping to provide input, please don’t hesitate to contact the project manager, Tom Grundy, at or (775) 283-7081.
October 2018 Outreach Activities to Businesses
The project team visited approximately 250 businesses along the project corridor during the weeks of October 15 and October 22 to discuss the project. At these face-to-face meetings, the project team provided a general overview of the project, discussed a timeline for design and construction, and mentioned various communication tools for the public to stay connected during the design and construction process. During these visits, the project team also gathered feedback from the businesses, including contact information, any planned special events, and any other concerns about the project and its impacts to their businesses during construction. The comments received were all compiled in a project database and will be considered during the advancement of design and the planning of construction.
- 90% Design Exhibits
- RTC-Staff Report
- South Carson Complete Streets Project Traffic Study Presentation
- April 12 Public Workshop Conceptual Maps
- 60% Illustrative Plans
60% Roundabout Demo and Improvements Exhibit - South Carson Flythrough_30% Design from Design Workshop - Tahoe on Vimeo.
- Illustrative Plans of the 30% Design Layout
- RTC-South Carson Complete Streets Project Presentation PowerPoint